Real Data contact us

Vacancy rates tracked by Real Data over the last period ... ... Charlotte 8.4% ... Greensboro/WS 5.2% ... Norfolk/VaBeach 4.9% ... Raleigh/Durham 8.4% ... Richmond 6.8% ... Charleston 8.5% ... Columbia 6.7% ... Greenville 8.8%

Rental rates tracked by Real Data over last period ... Charlotte $1,603 ... Greensboro/WS $1,252 ... Norfolk/VaBeach $1,484 ... Raleigh/Durham $1,604 ... Richmond $1,503 ... Charleston $1,868 ... Columbia $1,374 ... Greenville $1,404



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  • The latest Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill report will be available on August 5th.

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    Apartment Source CD

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    Data Wizard
    The ApartmentData Wizard is our most in-depth report and includes a copy of the SourceCD and Index Report. In addition, the DataWizard includes an interactive GIS mapping application of all apartments and submarkets with exportable GIS files. The MS Excel file allows subscribers to create customized graphs, charts and excel tables of community specific data. The Data Wizard includes up to 5 years of historical inventory, vacancy rates, rent/SF, absorption, completions and units under construction for each community and submarket. Users can create their on customized competitive market area to compare statistics among communities you select. Customized graphs, charts and excel files are all exportable as well. The DataWizard also contains exportable Ownership, Management, addresses, phone and fax numbers for each apartment community. (A Subscription is two issues and includes the current issue plus the following issue. Subscriptions offer a substantial savings versus buying subsequent single issues).

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